Music with quality
This man is the first rapper who made it big. Thanks to Kurtis Blow rap music became known and accepted. His debut album (and that's the album underneath) also named Kurtis Blow was the first rap album that was commercially successful. (This happened in 1980.) The sounds you hear on this album can simply not be compared to any of the rap albums of today. It contains real instruments  like guitar, bass, drums and keyboards. Today this would all have been sampled. It is what makes this album so wonderful "old skool". Not all the songs are "rapped" either. Kurtis sings some songs as well and it is clear that even though "rap music" was on the rise, the record company was still trying to be on the safe side by keeping some "normal" songs on the album too. (Google the song: Takin' Care of Business.) This album also contains the first rapped political message with Hard Times. To say it simple and clear, without this album of Kurtis Blow rap music would have taken a longer and different road in order to arrive where it is now. A beautiful piece of musical history, enjoy...

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Music with quality, singers, reviews, musicians, musical news, band, covers, mixes, soundtracks, albums, compilation, awesome, radio.