Music with quality
A band that doesn't get enough recognition but certainly does deserve it is Eyes Set To Kill. The sisters Alexia (guitar and lead vocals) and Anissa Rodriguez  (bass) are the two founders, left, of this, now, four piece band. The music is a mixture between several cores and metal styles with some acoustic work thrown in for good measure. I would classify it as: melodic, harmonious, thrash. They have a fantastic speed. Something that they have managed to keep throughout the member changes of the band, is a rhythm section that has remained extraordinarily competent. A pleasure for the ears. The vocals give a wonderful punch to the music but are also laying down a harmonic structure that is in firm grip with the guitar melodies. Yes I know, from time to time this band may show certain similarities with Evanescence or Slip Knot but I consider them without hesitation as creative and powerful, if not at certain moments outclassing them both due to their implementation of simple standard rock licks that make their music so easy to access without losing the punch and originality.  Enjoy this compilation of their music...

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Music with quality, singers, reviews, musicians, musical news, band, covers, mixes, soundtracks, albums, compilation, awesome, radio.