Music with quality
If there was such a thing as a "rebellometer" Link Wray would have topped it at some point. A quote from Wikipedia: The stalking, menacing sound of "Rumble" (and its title) led to a ban on several radio stations, a rare feat for a song with no lyrics, on the grounds that it glorified juvenile delinquency. Now for me this makes Link Wray the absolute and ultimate Rock'n Roll Rebel. He's considered, just because of his sound and way of playing, as the founder of punk and heavy rock. This wonderful man has introduced the power chord. Rock lovers of all kinds and all nations: We owe it all to this man. All hail to Link Wray. Just for your side information drawer: Link Wray's song Rumble is from 1958. It took another twenty years before, thanks to this piece of art, the punk movement started to integrate it's energy in music. The playlist of Link Wray contains recordings from the "olden days", sorry for the, sometimes, left to desire quality of sound but if you like music with quality, I'm sure you can live with this and appreciate the heritage left for us to enjoy... 

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