Music with quality
This band was the first band (and therefor MY band and don't you dare taking that away from me) that I discovered myself. Well not exactly myself of course. I was nine years old and the Rubettes came on the telly (so probably someone else knew them before me) with Sugar Baby Love. I was gobsmacked, impressed, baffled and hooked and from that moment on I knew that I had to listen more often to music because maybe there were more songs that would made such an impression on me. The Rubettes made pop/rock music but  mostly pop orientated and aiming as commercial as possible. Only making commercial pop music in 1974 was not considered cr*p music because the artists or bands still played their instruments and were actually real musicians. (Sampling did not exist, yet). The Rubettes danced, vocalled, backing vocalled and played their instruments. They weren't ugly but none of them had spent time in a gym to get a six pack and they did not show any flesh as is the standard nowadays. (Am I on a rant here?) In their music, very catchy music, you could find the influences of glam rock, with here and there a distortioned guitar or some very doo-woppy sounds that were remnants from the early sixties. I just loved it and you know what? As I'm old enough now not to care about other peoples opinions, I can safely admit that I  just fell in love with them, all over again. Enjoy...
Cees Meijer
1/5/2013 06:07:33 am

These songs are awesome. But they're all from the first three albums which indeed mark the only three years they were relevant. Everything after that is not really worth listening.


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Music with quality, singers, reviews, musicians, musical news, band, covers, mixes, soundtracks, albums, compilation, awesome, radio.