Music with quality
The band Supertramp has put itself an a strange position in my "music-love". I discovered Supertramp in the late seventies. At that moment I considered them original but as I could only listen to the tracks that were played on the radio I was completely unaware of the diversity of the band. 
So imagine my surprise when I was enabled to listen to an entire album (Thanks to that same uncle who gave me that Beatles album) and wanted to hear it again and again and again. 
This was the album Breakfast in America and I found immediate comfort in it.  This album soothed me, it motivated me and I'm sure there were times that it cared for me. 
Even today, I can listen to Breakfast in America  and enjoy the little "technicalities" that are created in songs and say, aaaaaaaah that is so well done.... After listening to other albums of Supertramp I decided that the best and most interesting albums were Crime of the Century, Crisis? What Crisis?, Even in the Quietest Moments and Breakfast in America.
You can listen to these four Supertramp albums, here. Enjoy. 

Crime of the Century
Crisis? What Crisis?
Even in the Quietest Moments
Breakfast in America

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Music with quality, singers, reviews, musicians, musical news, band, covers, mixes, soundtracks, albums, compilation, awesome, radio.